
The small (<50 Mt) Eocene porphyry Cu-Au deposits of Maher abad and Khupic and the Oligocene Cu-Mo deposits of ChahShaljmi and DehSalam are attributed to the subduction of the Sistan ocean crust beneath the Lut block of eastern Iran. The calculated Ce4+/Ce3+ ratios of Dehsalm and ChahShaljami zircons are clustered around 10–50 and 75–155, and the values for Maher abad and Khupic are clustered around 120–300 and 50–150, respectively. The calculated logfO2 values indicate FMQ buffer conditions for Eocene and Oligocene magmas (ΔFMQ < 2; ΔFMQ −1.8 to + 0.6 ± ∼1.5 for ChahShaljami; ΔFMQ −1.3 to −0.4 ± ∼1.5 for Dehsalm, and ΔFMQ −3.2 to −2.1 ± ∼1.5 for Maher abad; ΔFMQ −2.6 to −1.3 ± ∼1.5 for Khupic), which never reached the ideal values of the worldwide giant to large porphyries (ΔFMQ < 4; HM buffer). The 30–60% partial melting of a slab (∼10–25% garnet) can explain ChahShaljami and Dehsalm, while it is > 60% partial melting of a slab (garnet > 50%) + ∼10% of metasomatized garnet-lherzolite (∼10% garnet) for Maher abad and Khupic. High partial melting of a slab has produced magma poor in copper in the magmatic subarc of the Lut block. Our zircon data and whole-rock geochemical characteristics of the Eocene and Oligocene ore-bearing intrusions along with the kinematics studies of the subduction zones are well consistent with a west-directed subduction system in eastern Iran. In such a system, a higher subduction rate > convergence rate causes deep steep subduction and in the continuation roll-back of the slab occurs in response to the opening and closing of the back-arc basin. This event caused the thinning of the Lut continental crust, mantle delamination and hot asthenospheric upwelling. The ascent of magmas resulting from the partial melting of a hydrous slab through a hot mantle and thinned continent caused widespread volcanism, and large amounts of water, sulfur and, volatiles were released to the atmosphere in an island arc regime during the middle-upper Eocene. The poor in metal low-volume magmas resulting from the high partial melting of a low water warm/hot deepest slab slightly metasomatized the mantle that subsequently amphibole-FC process with low contamination in the MASH zones and their emplacement during the transition from the island- to normal continental arc in the upper Eocene-Oligocene formed upper Eocene high-K calc-alkaline I/A-type (ferroan) arc magmatism and lower Oligocene adakite-like high-K calc-alkaline-Shoshonitic I-type (magnesian) arc magmatism, led to the formation of small Cu-Au and Cu-Mo porphyry deposits in Lut block, respectively. These events occur in a particular tectonic condition where subduction and collision were accompanied by rotation of the block affected by both Indo-Asian and Arabian-Eurasian collisions. Our study implies that W-directed subduction systems do not have favorable conditions for the formation of large porphyry deposits such as the ideal down-dip thermal gradient of the oceanic slab, water content, depth of dehydration, degree of partial melting of oceanic slab, and thickened continental crust.

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