
Persistent current (PC) operation is important for superconductive magnets used inmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems, which demands at least two high criticalcurrent joints to form a superconductive circuit. Moreover, the joint resistanceand the critical current of the joints always play significant roles in the designand development of large scale applications because the working current and theheat load of the system depend greatly on them. In this work, a joining methodusing a Mg and B powder mixture as flux is proposed. The voltage–current(V–I) curves of the sample joints made by such a method were measuredusing the four-probe method. At 1 T, 4.2 K, the critical current densityJc of the best samplewas ∼7.19 × 104 A cm−2, and its estimatedjoint resistance dV/dI was ∼7.44 × 10−12 Ω. These results demonstrated a promising future for the use of compositeMgB2 tapes in MRI magnets and other large scale superconductive devices.

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