
Genetically encoded biosensors can be used to track signaling events in living cells by measuring changes in fluorescence emitted by one or more fluorescent proteins. Here, we describe the use of genetically encoded biosensors based on Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET), combined with high-content microscopy, to image dynamic signaling events simultaneously in thousands of neurons in response to drug treatments. We first applied this approach to examine intercellular variation in signaling responses among cultured striatal neurons stimulated with multiple drugs. Using high-content FRET imaging and immunofluorescence, we identified neuronal subpopulations with unique responses to pharmacological manipulation and used nuclear morphology to identify medium spiny neurons within these heterogeneous striatal cultures. Focusing on protein kinase A (PKA) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) signaling in the cytoplasm and nucleus, we noted pronounced intercellular differences among putative medium spiny neurons, in both the magnitude and kinetics of signaling responses to drug application. Importantly, a conventional "bulk" analysis that pooled all cells in culture yielded a different rank order of drug potency than that revealed by single-cell analysis. Using a single-cell analytical approach, we dissected the relative contributions of PKA and ERK1/2 signaling in striatal neurons and unexpectedly identified a novel role for ERK1/2 in promoting nuclear activation of PKA in striatal neurons. This finding adds a new dimension of signaling crosstalk between PKA and ERK1/2 with relevance to dopamine D1 receptor signaling in striatal neurons. In conclusion, high-content single-cell imaging can complement and extend traditional population-level analyses and provides a novel vantage point from which to study cellular signaling. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: High-content imaging revealed substantial intercellular variation in the magnitude and pattern of intracellular signaling events driven by receptor stimulation. Since individual neurons within the same population can respond differently to a given agonist, interpreting measures of intracellular signaling derived from the averaged response of entire neuronal populations may not always reflect what happened at the single-cell level. This study uses this approach to identify a new form of cross-talk between PKA and ERK1/2 signaling in the nucleus of striatal neurons.

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