
Abstract : Air Force Research Laboratory, Information Directorate has been performing research and development in the area of large capacity optical disk storage technology for several years. One area of particular interest is the development of an erasable, large-format (14 inch diameter) optical disk media and a suitable, high-performance optical recording head. A large-format disk provides for extremely large storage capacity in excess of 10 gigabytes with future expansion to 25 gigabytes. The ability to quickly and randomly access large data files is critical as the Air Force increasingly relies on digital imagery, maps, charts and video for multi-sensor exploitation, aircraft mission planning and other time-sensitive military applications. The original objective of this effort was to develop and deliver an automated optical disk jukebox which held 50 erasable optical disks. However, due to changing business conditions, the effort was redirected toward an investigation of those high-risk technologies which may limit future product commercialization. An important element of this effort was to leverage the contractor's current Write-Once, Read Many (WORM) optical jukebox product which promised to reduce the overall technical risk and shorten the development schedule. With today's emphasis on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions, this approach developed optical media and a disk drive architecture that maps well into future commercialization activities to the benefit of both parties.

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