
We have introduced a novel illumination system for line scanning confocal microscopy. Confocal microscopy is a popular imaging tool in many applications specifically in medical imaging. Line scanning confocal microscopes have been proven to provide images with resolution comparable to point scanning microscopes. In the point scanning microscopes, the light is focused onto a diffraction limited spot. A pinhole is placed conjugate to the diffraction limited spot, in front of the detector to reject the light coming from out-of-focus planes. Therefore, confocal microscopy can provide optical sectioning. The size of the pinhole determines the amount of light that reaches the detector. A large pinhole results in a blurry image since more of the out-of-focus light contribute to the image. On the other hand, a smaller pinhole rejects more of the light, leading to a lower signal-to-noise ratio. Ideally it is desired to deliver a larger amount of optical power to the diffraction limited spot to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and have a smaller pinhole to reject more of the out-of-focus light. This is the property of the illumination system. In order to get a good signal-to noise ratio in the image, the light source has to provide sufficient radiance. We have introduced a new illumination system utilizing a high brightness LED in the line scanning confocal microscope. High brightness LEDs provide more optical power compared to ordinary LEDs from a smaller area; they have higher radiance. Preliminary results from our line scanning confocal microscope show that the high brightness LED is able to provide enough radiance to obtain an image with resolution comparable with the same microscope utilizing the laser diode. However, in high frame-rate application higher radiance or lower-noise detection system is required.

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