
ABSTRACTThough hallucinations traditionally have been conceptualized as a central feature of psychosis, some hallucinations may be dissociative, with dissociation potentially contributing to hallucinations. Childhood trauma has been linked with dissociation and hallucinations. Betrayal trauma theory distinguishes abusive experiences based on closeness to the perpetrator. In the current study, we examined the indirect effect of dissociation on the relationship between high betrayal child sexual abuse (perpetrated by a close other) and hallucinations. Participants (N = 192) from a northwestern university in the United States completed self-report measures online assessing history of high betrayal child sexual abuse and current dissociation and hallucinations. Bootstrapping analyses indicated a significant indirect effect of high betrayal child sexual abuse on hallucinations through dissociation, 95% Confidence Interval (.16, .66). Through betrayal trauma theory, this study provides a non-pathologizing framework for understanding how dissociation and hallucinations may develop as natural reactions to the harm inherent in child sexual abuse perpetrated by a close other. These findings have clinical implications for relational models of healing for trauma survivors who are distressed by dissociation and hallucinations.

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