
Far-infrared maps of W51/G49.5-0.4, W51/G49.4-0.3, and the DR 21 W75 S regions are presented. The simultaneous 50 and 100 micron maps enable a determination of the dust temperature and density structure in these areas. In G49.5-0.4 a luminosity and dust column-density peak at the position of the W51-Main maser is found, suggesting that this is the dominant luminosity source in W51. In G49.4-0.3 three components associated with the three known 2.7 GHz sources are resolved. A comparison of the total far-infrared luminosity with the radio continuum brightness in both G49.5-0.4 and G49.4-0.3 shows that the ratio of Lyman continuum to total luminosity of the exciting stars in not consistent with excitation by a single ZAMS star if most of the Lyman continuum photons are being absorbed bay gas rather than dust. In DR 21 micron far-infrared data and some new 2-20 micron results reveal a region of hot dust associated with the 2 micron H2 emission to the east and west of DR 21. Finally, a new 1.5-100 micron 'protostellar' source 2 deg north of W75 S at the position of a 1 mm continuum peak is reported.

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