
Abstract Recently, centrifugal multiphase pump–dissolved air flotation (CMP-DAF) has become an increasingly popular alternative to DAF that can achieve more stable performance and higher removal efficiency, and this method is widely used in sewage treatment. However, the nonuniformity of the bubble size and low adherence of the floc particles and bubbles, as well as the complicated raw water quality, pose great challenges to CMP-DAF, which does not meet the standards of water supply and drainage in practical use. In the present study, the surfactant dodecyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride (DDBAC) was utilized as a flotation agent to further improve the flotation efficiency of the CMP-DAF process. DDBAC at a dosage of 0.2 mg/L was introduced to the air flotation of raw water to construct a flotation enhanced CMP air flotation system. The results showed that the average turbidity decreased to 0.433 ± 0.017 NTU, and effluent floc particles were present at 1,053 cnt/mL with an acceptable removal rate of 96.20%. In addition, 34.0% and 30.1% of UV254 and CODMn were removed, respectively. These results imply that DDBAC can increase the collision efficiency of bubble particles by reducing the diameter of the bubbles, which is conducive to forming larger flocs, and enhancing the shear resistance of the bubble–floc particles, thus improving the air flotation efficiency.

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