
To improve the accuracy of handwritten Chinese character recognition (HCCR), we propose linear discriminant analysis (LDA)-based compound distances for discriminating similar characters. The LDA-based method is an extension of previous compound Mahalanobis function (CMF), which calculates a complementary distance on a one-dimensional subspace (discriminant vector) for discriminating two classes and combines this complementary distance with a baseline quadratic classifier. We use LDA to estimate the discriminant vector for better discriminability and show that under restrictive assumptions, the CMF is a special case of our LDA-based method. Further improvements can be obtained when the discriminant vector is estimated from higher-dimensional feature spaces. We evaluated the methods in experiments on the ETL9B and CASIA databases using the modified quadratic discriminant function (MQDF) as baseline classifier. The results demonstrate the superiority of LDA-based method over the CMF and the superiority of discriminant vector learning from high-dimensional feature spaces. Compared to the MQDF, the proposed method reduces the error rates by factors of over 26%.

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