
We demonstrate that Chromo-Natural Inflation can be made consistent with observational data if the SU(2) gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken. Working in the Stueckelberg limit, we show that isocurvature is negligible, and the resulting adiabatic fluctuations can match current observational constraints. Observable levels of chirally-polarized gravitational radiation ($r\sim 10^{-3}$) can be produced while the evolution of all background fields is sub-Planckian. The gravitational wave spectrum is amplified via linear mixing with the gauge field fluctuations, and its amplitude is not simply set by the Hubble rate during inflation. This allows observable gravitational waves to be produced for an inflationary energy scale below the GUT scale. The tilt of the resulting gravitational wave spectrum can be either blue or red.


  • Background solutionsWe find inflationary trajectories in the above action by considering the axion in a classical, homogeneous configuration X = X (t) and the gauge fields in the classical configurationA0 =0, Ai = φδiaJa = aψδiaJa, (2.6)where Ja is a generator of SU(2) satisfying the commutation relations, and normalization [Ja, Jb] = ifabcJc, Tr [JaJb] = δab, 2 (2.7)and fabc are the structure functions of SU(2)

  • We demonstrate that Chromo-Natural Inflation can be made consistent with observational data if the SU(2) gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken

  • In this paper we demonstrate that Chromo-Natural Inflation [7] can potentially be made a viable candidate for the generation of primordial curvature perturbations by introducing an additional mass for the gauge field fluctuations via spontaneous symmetry breaking

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Background solutions

Where here and in what follows an overdot represents a derivative with respect to cosmic time, and the lapse, N = a on the background solution. This action leads to the equations of motion for the axion X and gauge field vacuum expectation value (VEV) φ:. In the limit of large λ, terms linear in time derivatives dominate the dynamics, and slow-roll is facilitated by a magnetic-drift type force mediated by the Chern-Simons interaction [46]. Which characterize the various contributions of mass to the gauge field fluctuations in units of the Hubble scale In terms of these quantities, eq (2.13) can be written

H X 2 ψ2 ψ
Background parameter scan
The quadratic fluctuation action
Approximate solutions
Curvature perturbations and primordial spectra
Curvature perturbations
Entropy perturbations and isocurvature
Density fluctuation
Parameter dependence and observational constraints
Validity of the linear theory
Higgsed Gauge-flation
A Conventions
B A specific realization: adjoint Higgs model
C Details of the scalar action
D Vector fluctuations
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