
F-theory admits 7-branes with exceptional gauge symmetries, which can be compactified to give phenomenological four-dimensional GUT models. Here we study general supersymmetric compactifications of eight-dimensional Yang–Mills theory. They are mathematically described by meromorphic Higgs bundles, and therefore admit a spectral cover description. This allows us to give a rigorous and intrinsic construction of local models in F-theory. We use our results to prove a no-go theorem showing that local SU(5) models with three generations do not exist for generic moduli. However we show that three-generation models do exist on the Noether–Lefschetz locus. We explain how F-theory models can be mapped to non-perturbative orientifold models using a scaling limit proposed by Sen. Further we address the construction of global models that do not have heterotic duals, considering models with base CP 3 or a blow-up thereof as examples. We show how one may obtain a contractible worldvolume with a two-cycle not inherited from the bulk, a necessary condition for implementing GUT breaking using fluxes.

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