
Cloud computing provides information resources for users in “Cloud” through the Internet. These information resources with a variety of different languages are distributed in Web pages and the databases. The scheduling of multilingual information resources becomes complex, as multilingual information resources are heterogeneous and uneven in cloud computing. The need arises in scheduling of multilingual information resources in cloud computing for new mechanisms. This paper presents a four-tier architecture for multilingual information resources scheduling in cloud computing. It includes user accessing tier, technology supporting tier, resource scheduling tier and resources tier. We propose a three- layer scheduling model for multilingual information resources in cloud computing. The model includes some home managers, some local scheduling agents and a global scheduling agent. The model not only shows the autonomy of private cloud resources and is convenient for user to submit and supervise tasks, but also lightens the pressure of the global scheduling agent. The example shows that the proposed scheduling model could improve the performance of the scheduling of multilingual information resources in cloud computing.

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