
With the development of video network, image set classification (ISC) has received a lot of attention and can be used for various practical applications, such as video based recognition, action recognition, and so on. Although the existing ISC methods have obtained promising performance, they often have extreme high complexity. Due to the superiority in storage space and complexity cost, learning to hash becomes a powerful solution scheme. However, existing hashing methods often ignore complex structural information and hierarchical semantics of the original features. They usually adopt a single-layer hashing strategy to transform high-dimensional data into short-length binary codes in one step. This sudden drop of dimension could result in the loss of advantageous discriminative information. In addition, they do not take full advantage of intrinsic semantic knowledge from whole gallery sets. To tackle these problems, in this paper, we propose a novel Hierarchical Hashing Learning (HHL) for ISC. Specifically, a coarse-to-fine hierarchical hashing scheme is proposed that utilizes a two-layer hash function to gradually refine the beneficial discriminative information in a layer-wise fashion. Besides, to alleviate the effects of redundant and corrupted features, we impose the ℓ2,1 norm on the layer-wise hash function. Moreover, we adopt a bidirectional semantic representation with the orthogonal constraint to keep intrinsic semantic information of all samples in whole image sets adequately. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate HHL acquires significant improvements in accuracy and running time. We will release the demo code on https://github.com/sunyuan-cs.

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