
Due to the extraordinary value and uniqueness of folklore materials in the Ukrai- nian archives and private collections of scholars, preserving these materials is an ex- tremely important task, especially in the context of Russian aggression in Ukraine. Modern digital technologies open up new opportunities for the preservation, research, and dissemination of Ukrainian musical folklore. However, in order to effectively utilize these opportunities, it is necessary to develop completely new approaches to the creation of digital audiovisual archives. Despite the fact that the possibility of fully implementing such projects in the future is rather difficult due to limited techni- cal and financial resources, the possibility of easy access to the materials of folklore collections can be organized using existing approaches by optimizing them. The article analyzes the current state of the analog and digital collection of Ukrai- nian musical folklore in the Kyiv Laboratory of Ethnomusicology (officially known as the Problematic Research Laboratory of Ethnomusicology of the Ukrainian Na- tional Music Academy). The article also highlights the main features of the musical folklore collection organization and the problems that arise when working with them. Author proposes the idea of introducing a transitional stage in the organization of musical folklore collections, which would allow to prepare more effectively the tran- sition to the new type of archives and solve a number of existing problems in the current challenging conditions.

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