
Abstract Bayesian hierarchical models allow ecologists to account for uncertainty and make inference at multiple scales. However, hierarchical models are often computationally intensive to fit, especially with large datasets, and researchers face trade‐offs between capturing ecological complexity in statistical models and implementing these models. We present a recursive Bayesian computing (RB) method that can be used to fit Bayesian models efficiently in sequential MCMC stages to ease computation and streamline hierarchical inference. We also introduce transformation‐assisted RB (TARB) to create unsupervised MCMC algorithms and improve interpretability of parameters. We demonstrate TARB by fitting a hierarchical animal movement model to obtain inference about individual‐ and population‐level migratory characteristics. Our recursive procedure reduced computation time for fitting our hierarchical movement model by half compared to fitting the model with a single MCMC algorithm. We obtained the same inference fitting our model using TARB as we obtained fitting the model with a single algorithm. For complex ecological statistical models, like those for animal movement, multi‐species systems, or large spatial and temporal scales, the computational demands of fitting models with conventional computing techniques can limit model specification, thus hindering scientific discovery. Transformation‐assisted RB is one of the most accessible methods for reducing these limitations, enabling us to implement new statistical models and advance our understanding of complex ecological phenomena.

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