
In an effort to access dense baryonic matter relevant for compact stars in a unified framework that handles both single baryon and multibaryon systems on the same footing, we first address a holographic dual action for a single baryon focusing on the role of the infinite tower of vector mesons deconstructed from five dimensions. To leading order in 't Hooft coupling $\lambda=N_c g_{\rm YM}^2$, one has the Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) Skyrmion that results when the warping of the bulk background and the Chern-Simons term in the Sakai-Sugimoto D4/D8-${\bar{\rm D8}}$ model are ignored. The infinite tower was found by Sutcliffe to induce flow to a conformal theory, i.e., the BPS. We compare this structure to that of the SS model consisting of a 5D Yang-Mills action in warped space and the Chern-Simons term in which higher vector mesons are integrated out while preserving hidden local symmetry and valid to $O(\lambda^0)$ and $O(p^4)$ in the chiral counting. We point out the surprisingly important role of the $\omega$ meson that figures in the Chern-Simons term that encodes chiral anomaly in the baryon structure and that may be closely tied to short-range repulsion in nuclear interactions.

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