
The Neem has wider range of medicinal properties and it has antimicrobial properties against Candida, Microsporum, Trichophyton, Geotrichum, Epidermophyton, Trichosporon etc., The Anti-bacterial properties in neem inhibits the activity of bacteria such as Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutants, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Vibrio cholerae, Mycobacterium pyogenes and Klebsiella pneumonia. The Anti-viral properties make it useful in the treatment of fowl pox, smallpox, chicken pox, vaccinia virus, warts, moderate inhibition of hepatitis B virus, Chikungunya, herpes virus and measles virus. The Insecticidal activity is effective against maggots, horn flies, head-lice, blowflies and biting flies. The neem is also being used by tribal community as poultice of leaves of Neem, Capparis sepiaria (Jal) and Tamarindus indica (Imli) is applied on eyes by Bhils community to cure night-blindness. The tribals of the Himalayan region use Neem as a valuable medicine as an antiseptic, used in the treatment of chickenpox. Small twigs are used as toothbrushes and as a prophylactic for mouth and teeth complaints. This popular article represents the truth of medicinal uses of Neem and the ethical value to the ecosystem.

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