
In this manuscript we describe a hidden conformal symmetry of the second Randall–Sundrum model (RS2). We show how this can be used to localize fermions of both chiralities. The conformal symmetry leaves few free dimensionless constants and constrains the allowed interactions. In this formulation the warping of the extra dimension emerges from a partial breaking of the conformal symmetry in five dimensions. The solution of the system can be described in two alternative gauges: by the metric or by the conformon. By considering this as a fundamental symmetry we construct a conformally invariant action for a vector field which provides a massless photon localized over a Minkowski brane. This is obtained by a conformal non-minimal coupling that breaks the gauge symmetry in five dimensions. We further consider a generalization of the model by including conformally invariant torsion. By coupling torsion non-minimally to fermions we obtain a localized zero mode of both chiralities completing the consistence of the model. The inclusion of torsion introduces a fermion quartic interaction that can be used to probe the existence of large extra dimensions and the validity of the model. This seems to point to the fact that conformal symmetry may be more fundamental than gauge symmetry and that this is the missing ingredient for the full consistence of RS scenarios.


  • In this paper we generalize our previous model, on a hidden conformal symmetry of smooth braneworld scenarios, to the case with two real scalar fields non-minimally coupled to gravity

  • We have not been able to find explicit solutions for this case. In this manuscript we are suggesting to use the hidden conformal symmetry in order to generate smooth Randall-Sundrum type braneworlds by introducing of two scalar fields non-minimally coupled to gravity

  • By breaking SO(1, 1) we can obtain a model with effective arbitrary hyperbolic potential

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Setup of the Model

Where R represents 5D Ricci scalar, χ is a real scalar field, z denotes the extra spatial coordinate and ξ, u, μ and n are some constants. Coming back to the problem of generating smooth solutions for the model [14] we face a problem: conformal symmetry uniquely determines the potential and we are not allowed to introduce a new potential, such as λχ, hyperbolic or trigonometric potentials. Another problem is that the kinetic part of our scalar field has the wrong sign and behaves as a ghost. In order to preserve conformal invariance, the potential in (18) must have the form This new freedom is at the center of the strategy for obtaining smooth solutions

Standing Wave Braneworld
Negative Tension Sine-Gordon Model
Models with Non-Minimal Couplings
Models With Hyperbolic Potentials
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