
Motivated by advanced progress in the holographic theory between rotating black holes and CFT, we explore the conformal invariance on dyonic Kerr-Sen black hole and its gauged family. We consider a neutral massless scalar probe on the black holes’ background within the low-frequency limit and exhibit that the solution space possesses SL(2,R)times SL(2,R) isometry. The periodic identification of the azimuthal angle corresponds to the spontaneous conformal symmetry breaking by temperatures T_L,T_R. Using the computation of the central charges on Sakti and Burikham (Phys Rev D 106:106006, 2022) that we recalculate by considering the contributions of all associated fields, we successfully derive the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy from Cardy entropy formula. Furthermore, we also calculate the absorption cross-section from gravity side for generic non-extremal dyonic Kerr-Sen black hole and near-extremal gauged dyonic Kerr-Sen black hole. Our calculations show that those quantities are in a perfect match with the calculation from CFT. Therefore, our findings further support the duality between rotating black holes and CFTs.

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