
Child abuse related to witchcraft and exorcism phenomena is not limited to specific cultures, religious beliefs, races and geographic areas and it can be seen in all periods of human culture and civilization. Despite the widespread consequences of harm, due to the limited reports and announced statistics, the scope of the problem in comparison to other forms of child abuse seems minor. The legal and judicial services are often unaware of these cases and it is not highlighted in police and social service databases as a significant factor in child abuse. In spite of global programs on children's peace and activities of child rights committee of United Nations, this type of hidden child abuse continues. In this study, we have discussed seven cases of child abuse related to these phenomena and address the psychological dimensions of the injury by The Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale and Subscales (RCADS) that showed clinically significant anxiety and depression. In addition, we have tried to look at the historical background, risk factors, extent of damage and challenges in the reporting field. Children are the future makers of the world, and any type of child abuse has adverse effects on their growth, physical and mental health. To confront this issue, strengthening partnerships between child protection institutions and multimodal approaches in collaboration with local, national and international organizations also imposing strict punishment on the people who played a role in this action should be pursued more seriously.

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