
ABSTRACT Military personnel are repeatedly exposed to multiple stressors, and are sometimes characterized by high levels of anger. Evidence suggests that this anger can become dysfunctional, and impact the health status of populations chronically exposed to stress. In particular, rumination (understood as perseverative thoughts about a past event), provides a theoretical framework for investigating how anger may impact stress regulation abilities in military personnel declared fit for deployment. This exploratory study aimed therefore to examine the impact of the anger profile on psychological suffering in terms of burnout and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), along with the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system, measured as cardiac variability. One hundred and seventeen French soldiers were tested before deployment to Operation BARKHANE. Anger rumination, burnout, and PTSD symptoms were assessed using questionnaires, and cardiac variability was measured as the questionnaires were completed. The results revealed two profiles related to anger trait and anger rumination. Burnout and PTSD scores were higher among military personnel with high levels of anger trait and rumination, and this group also had lower parasympathetic activity and flexibility after completing the questionnaires. These results suggest that there may be a link between an angry profile and psychological suffering, notably burnout and PTSD. Rumination could be involved in this link, as it is associated with poor adaptation to stress in a military context. Prospective researches including post-deployment will establish whether this ruminative response can account for the relationship between problematic anger, stress regulatory capacities and psychological health in military populations.

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