
Most heterothermic marsupials appear to display one of the two patterns of torpor that have been described in placental mammals. During shallow, daily torpor body temperature (T(b)) falls for several hours from about 35-degrees-C to values between 11 and 28-degrees-C, depending on the species, and metabolic rates fall to about 10-60% of the basal metabolic rate (BMR). In contrast during deep and prolonged torpor (hibernation), T(b) falls to about 1-5-degrees-C, metabolic rates to about 2-6% of BMR and torpor bouts last for 5-23 days. Shallow, daily torpor has been observed in the opossums (Didelphidae), the carnivorous marsupials (Dasyuridae) and the small possums (Petauridae). Daily torpor may also occur in the numbat (Myrmecobiidae) and the marsupial mole (Notoryctidae). Deep and prolonged torpor (hibernation) has been observed in the pygmy possums (Burramyidae), feathertail glider (Acrobatidae) and Dromiciops australis (Microbiotheriidae). The patterns of torpor in marsupials are paralleled by those of monotremes, placentals and even birds. These similarities in torpor patterns provide some support to the hypothesis that torpor may be plesiomorphic. However, as endothermy and torpor in birds apparently has evolved separately from that in mammals and as torpor occurrence in mammals can change within only a few generations it appears more likely that torpor in endotherms is convergent.

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