
Hibachi is an open source (EPL), standard, extensible, vendor-neutral Eclipse Ada development environment. Hibachi is currently in the project proposal phase (see http://www.eclipse.org/projects/dev_process/development_process.php, which involves gathering a viable developer/tester/user community around the project and IP rights to any code contributions. When these pieces are in place, the project can be approved by the Eclipse Management Organization (EMO) and begin producing high quality releases available to end users, as well as third party integrators. As Hibachi project lead, Mr. Grosman has been in touch with the major active Ada development environment vendors (ACT, Aonix, DDC-I, GHS) and they have all expressed interest and a desire to commit resources to making Hibachi a success. In addition, gnuada development team members have also expressed support for Hibachi and a willingness to participate. Mr. Grosman is also in contact with several Universities who will be contributing engineering effort as part of their curricula (master theses), as well as some major industrial partners who are large scale users of Ada and who have expressed interest in contributing development and/or financial resources. Aonix has offered to contribute the source for its Eclipse plugin, AonixADT as a code base for Hibachi. AonixADT currently supports ObjectAda as well as GNAT/gnuada development. Contributions of existing code from other sources are also a possibility depending on the willingness of other potential contributors. Because of these factors, and the encouragement of the Hibachi project mentor Doug Schaefer, CDT project lead, Mr. Grosman has every expectation that the Hibachi proposal will be accepted and that we will be able to produce a plugin with features as outlined in the Hibachi Proposal-http://www.eclipse.org/proposals/adt/. The development plan outlined in the Hibachi proposal indicates that a first useable release of Hibachi will be available in time for SIGAda in November.

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