
The research community has recently proposed several solutions based on modern programmable switches to detect entirely in the data plane the flows exceeding pre-determined thra eshold in a time window, i.e., Heavy Hitters (HH). This is commonly achieved by dividing the network stream into fixed time slots and identifying each separately without considering the traffic trends from previous intervals. In this work, we show that using specified time windows can lead to high inaccuracies. We make a case for rethinking how switches analyze the incoming packets and propose to leverage per-flow Inter Packet Gap (IPG) analytics instead of using flow counters for HH detection. We propose an algorithm and present a P4 pipeline design using this new metric in mind. We implement our solution on P4 hardware and experimentally evaluate it against real traffic traces. We show that our results are more accurate than related work by up to 20% while reducing the control channel overhead by up to two orders of magnitude. Finally, we showcase a QoS-oriented application of the proposed dataplane-only IPG-based HH detection in a mobile network scenario.

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