
Five enstatite chondrites, including two EH4 (Abee, Indarch) and three EL6 samples (Hvittis, Khairpur, Pillistfer), were investigated for their Hf-W isotope systematics to constrain the chronology and thermal evolution of their parent bodies and to assess the nature and extent of Hf-W fractionations among chondritic meteorites. The Hf-W ages range from ∼4.5 Ma to ∼10 Ma after CAI formation, where Pillistfer exhibits an older Hf-W age (∼4.5 Ma) than the other two EL6 chondrites (∼8.5–10 Ma), probably reflecting rapid cooling after impact excavation. The ∼8 Ma Hf-W age of the EH4 chondrite Indarch overlaps with those of the younger EL6 chondrites, indicating a similar cooling timescale despite the lower metamorphic grade. By contrast, Abee shows evidence for only partial resetting of the Hf-W system during metamorphism, and the 182W composition of Abee's metal still records the time of chondrule formation at ∼2 Ma after CAI formation. Thus, the thermal and cooling histories of enstatite chondrites do not appear to be a simple function of their metamorphic grade.Despite their distinct Fe-metal contents, EH and EL chondrites and their precursor material have uniform Hf/W ratios. This most likely reflects the early and proportional removal of refractory metal and silicate components from the enstatite chondrite formation region, which left the Hf/W ratio unchanged. As such, the Hf/W ratio of enstatite chondrites provides a good estimate for the average composition of primitive chondritic material from the inner solar system. All carbonaceous chondrites except CI chondrites have higher Hf/W ratios, reflecting admixture of CAIs or metal-silicate fractionation during chondrule formation. Using the Hf/W ratio of enstatite chondrites, rather than carbonaceous chondrites, in the calculation of Hf-W core formation model ages makes these ages up to ∼0.7 Ma younger, shifting the core formation ages for non-carbonaceous iron meteorites closer to those of carbonaceous iron meteorites.

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