
Leaf mold caused by Cladosporium fulvum is one of the most severe foliar diseases of tomato. We were interested in whether we could use a binary mixture of hexaconazole and fludioxonil for the management of tomato leaf mold. The results showed that hexaconazole with an EC50 value of 0.30 μg/ml could significantly inhibit the mycelial growth of C. fulvum. A total of 126 isolates collected from Shandong Province were used to determine their sensitivity to hexaconazole, and the data fit a bimodal curve with a mean EC50 value of 4.69 μg/ml. The optimal proportion of the binary mixture of hexaconazole and fludioxonil against C. fulvum was 1:2, and its synergistic ratio (SR) was 2.23. Field trials in 2018 and 2019 indicated that both hexaconazole and the binary mixture of hexaconazole and fludioxonil (1:2) had favorable protective and curative efficacy against tomato leaf mold. Applying hexaconazole at 67.50 g/ha resulted in higher efficacy than did flusilazole at 75.00 g/ha, which had been registered in China to control tomato leaf mold. In addition, a binary mixture of hexaconazole and fludioxonil (1:2) at 60.75 g/ha had an efficacy of 85%, which was significantly higher than that of a commercial binary mixture of fluopyram and trifloxystrobin at 150.00 g/ha. Even when applied at 20.25 g/ha, hexaconazole could also provide better efficacy than thiophanate-methyl could regardless of whether it was applied before or after the occurrence of tomato leaf mold. In summary, hexaconazole and its binary mixture with fludioxonil (1:2) could be favorable candidates for the management of tomato leaf mold.

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