
The game of Hex is an excellent example of a game for which a winning strategy is known to exist, even though it is not known what the strategy is. It is easy to show the existence of a strategy once it is known that either black or white must win, that is, that Hex cannot end in a draw. The available proofs of the latter fact are all rather difficult (see, for instance, [1, pp. 334-338]). In this note we give a simple proof. A Hex board is a parallelogram divided into m rows and n columns of hexagons. Players alternate turns placing black and white stones on the board with the objective of completing a chain from one side of the board to the opposite side, one player seeking a chain joining top to bottom, the other joining right to left. We will show that the game cannot end without a winner. Specifically, whenever a Hex board is completely filled with black and white stones, there must be either a black chain from right to left or a white chain from top to bottom. And, equivalently, there must be either a white chain from right to left or a black chain from top to bottom. Consequently, one of the players must have achieved his objective and won the game. We will prove our proposition by induction on m and n, the dimensions of the board. The proposition is clear for a 1 x n, m x 1, or 2 x 2 board. Now we assume it true for any board smaller than m x n. Consider the (m 1) x n board obtained by deleting row m. By the inductive hypothesis there is either a black chain from column 1 to column n or else a white chain W1 from row 1 to row m 1. In the former case we are done, so we assume the latter. It follows from an analogous argument involving deletion of row 1 that there must be a white chain W2 from row 2 to row m. We assume that W1 and W2 do not meet, or else we would be done. By deleting column n and then column 1 we can show in a similar manner that there are nonintersecting black chains B1 from column 1 to column n 1 and B2 from column 2 to column n. Since these horizontal black chains do not meet, the number of rows m must be greater than 2.

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