
The species composition and external morphology of heterotrophic flagellates from different types of water bodies (sphagnum bogs, lakes, and rivers) of the Central Russian forest-steppe (Voronezh oblast) are described. We have recorded 67 species, 40 of which are new for the region. Maximum species richness is recorded in terrace forest lakes and minimum richness is found in sphagnum bogs. An analysis of the similarity of flagellate communities in respect to the species composition in different water bodies has revealed two groups: (1) lakes Maklok and Cherepash′e (64%) and (2) floodplain lake Vos’merka and the Usmanka River (58%). Descriptions and micrographs of 15 species (Codosiga botrytis, Bicosoeca petiolata, Clathromonas eiffelii, Paraphysomonas bandaiensis, Stokesiella acuminata, Actinomonas mirabilis, Actinomonas sp., Tremula vibrans, Protaspa sp., Naegleria gruberi, Distigma proteus, Heteronema polymorphum, Notosolenus rhombicus, Urceolus cyclostomus, and Cryptomonas paramecium) are given.

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