
Abstract We perform the first systematic analysis of particle spectra obtained from heterotic string compactifications on non-Abelian toroidal orbifolds. After developing a new technique to compute the particle spectrum in the case of standard embedding based on higher dimensional supersymmetry, we compute the Hodge numbers for all recently classified 331 non-Abelian orbifold geometries which yield $ \mathcal{N}=1 $ supersymmetry for heterotic compactifications. Surprisingly, most Hodge numbers follow the empiric pattern h (1,1) − h (2,1) = 0 mod 6, which might be related to the number of three standard model generations. Furthermore, we study the fundamental groups in order to identify the possibilities for non-local gauge symmetry breaking. Three examples are discussed in detail: the simplest non-Abelian orbifold S 3 and two more elaborate examples, T 7 and Δ(27), which have only one untwisted Kähler and no untwisted complex structure modulus. Such models might be especially interesting in the context of no-scale supergravity. Finally, we briefly discuss the case of orbifolds with vanishing Euler numbers in the context of enhanced (spontaneously broken) supersymmetry.

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