
Abstract Localization properties of fields in compact extra dimensions are crucial ingredients for string model building, particularly in the framework of orbifold compactifications. Realistic models often require a slight deviation from the orbifold point, that can be analyzed using field theoretic methods considering (singlet) fields with nontrivial vacuum expectation values. Some of these fields correspond to blow-up modes that represent the resolution of orbifold singularities. Improving on previous analyses we give here an explicit example of the blow-up of a model from the heterotic Mini-landscape. An exact identification of the blow-up modes at various fixed points and fixed tori with orbifold twisted fields is given. We match the massless spectra and identify the blow-up modes as non-universal axions of compactified string theory. We stress the important role of the Green-Schwarz anomaly polynomial for the description of the resolution of orbifold singularities.


  • There are physical motivations to deform away from the orbifold point in moduli space. At this point there are many exotics states, additional U(1) symmetries and enhanced discrete symmetries. This differs from what is found in the real world and spontaneous symmetry breaking with vevs of twisted fields can give rise to much more realistic vacua

  • The twisted fields which attain vevs can correspond to moduli of the CY geometry, which vanish at the orbifold point

  • The vectors VrI determine the field strength of the vector bundle and are subject to the following constraints: they must satisfy flux quantization conditions which are fulfilled by requiring Vr ∼ V(θk,λ), where V(θk,λ) is the local orbifold shift corresponding to the constructing element which coincides with r

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The orbifold

We review orbifold compactification of heterotic string theory. We present the geometry of T 6/Z6II and the heterotic orbifold model. This Mini-landscape constitutes a fertile region of the space of N = 1 heterotic compactifications The method they employed was to create models with local GUT gauge group at the fixed sets. In these sectors the plane i = 3 is a fixed torus, so the twisted states will be localized at points in the first two planes and on a torus in the third. We perform the study of the orbifold-resolution transition in Model 28 of the Minilandscape This is a model that can be potentially blown-up because it has massless states in every fixed point and fixed tori.

Smoothing the singularities
E2 E1 D1
Identifying the blow-up modes
Field redefinitions
Match of the massless spectrum
Anomaly cancellation in 4d
Conclusions and outlook
A Orbifold data
C Blow-up spectrum
E Axions in blow-up versus orbifold axions
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