
The localization of D-amino acid oxidase (D-AAOX) in rat liver and kidney has been investigated using the cerium technique for electron microscopy and a recent modification of it for light microscopy. In the liver a mosaic pattern with strongly and weakly stained cells together with some completely negative hepatocytes is observed. The staining is stronger and more uniform in periportal than in perivenous regions of the liver lobule. In the kidney the reaction is confined to the proximal tubules of the renal cortex with the rest of the nephron being negative. At the ultrastructural level in both liver and kidney a marked heterogeneity is observed in the intensity of reaction in peroxisomes of some neighbouring cells. Moreover, in some cells heavily and weakly stained peroxisomes are seen side by side. When Pipes buffer is used in the incubation medium the D-AAOX reaction in kidney peroxiosomes is aggregated in the central region of the matrix with weaker staining of the periphery. A similar result is obtained when the enzyme is localized by immunocytochemistry confirming a recent report by Usuda et al. (1986). The heterogeneous staining of peroxisomes for D-AAOX suggests that subpopulations of this organelle with specialized functions may exist not only in different tissues and cells but even within the same cell.

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