
The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (TOAE; ~183 Ma) represents an important hyperthermal and deoxygenation event in the Early Jurassic. However, TOAE marine records are spatially heterogeneous with regard to nutrient levels, primary productivity, redox conditions and organic enrichment. This non-uniform response to global hyperwarming is not readily accounted for by local variations in paleogeography, climate, or water depth. Largely overlooked to date is the intensified storm activity that characterized the TOAE, and the role that this may have played in controlling marine responses to that event. A review of TOAE studies from multiple marine environments suggests that storm intensity covaried with paleoceanographic conditions, such as nutrient availability, primary productivity, redox conditions, and organic-rich sedimentation. At mid-paleolatitude sites, relatively weak storm activity during the TOAE induced short-term watermass oxygenation, and marine settings were mainly characterized by enhanced anoxia (even euxinia), water-column stratification, increased primary productivity (fueled by terrestrial runoff and P regeneration in euxinic settings), and organic-rich sedimentation. At low-paleolatitude sites, TOAE storm activity was relatively strong, and contributed to marine environments characterized by oxic to suboxic conditions, reduced water-column stratification, decreased primary productivity (possibly due to limited P regeneration and upwelling), low sedimentary organic content, and locally high oolite abundance. TOAE marine sites at all paleolatitudes exhibit: i) sea-level rise and enhanced continental weathering fluxes linked to an intensified hydrological cycle; ii) reduced dinoflagellate and increased cyanobacterial activity; and iii) low δ15N values (mainly −1‰ to +3‰) linked to enhanced diazotrophic nitrogen fixation. The spatial heterogeneity of the response of TOAE marine systems is difficult to reconcile with scenarios linking increased terrestrial flux to marine eutrophication, primary productivity increase and organic-rich sedimentation. Consequently, we hypothesize that the intensity of storm activity influenced TOAE marine systems, and that this factor can, at least partially, account for heterogeneous patterns of environmental changes at middle versus low paleolatitudes and open versus restricted marine settings. Importantly, increased storm activity can induce pycnocline deepening via vertical water-column mixing, thereby promoting: i) enhanced aerobic degradation of organic matter (low sediment organic matter content) due to a reduced oxygen-minimum zone; ii) less nutrient upwelling from deep waters into the photic zone (nutrient-depleted upper ocean), and iii) blooms of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (low δ15N) and calcification (ooid formation). Thus, the interaction between storminess and pycnocline depth is a potentially important factor affecting marine environmental changes during TOAE. These findings have implications for modern oceans now experiencing climatic warming and intensified tropical storm activity.

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