
Nowadays, data processing applications based on neural networks cope with the growth in the amount of data to be processed and with the increase in both the depth and complexity of the neural networks architectures, and hence in the number of parameters to be learned. High-performance computing platforms are provided with fast computing resources, including multi-core processors and graphical processing units, to manage such computational burden of deep neural network applications. A common optimization technique is to distribute the workload between the processes deployed on the resources of the platform. This approach is known as data-parallelism. Each process, known as replica, trains its own copy of the model on a disjoint data partition. Nevertheless, the heterogeneity of the computational resources composing the platform requires to unevenly distribute the workload between the replicas according to its computational capabilities, to optimize the overall execution performance. Since the amount of data to be processed is different in each replica, the influence of the gradients computed by the replicas in the global parameter updating should be different. This work proposes a modification of the gradient computation method that considers the different speeds of the replicas, and hence, its amount of data assigned. The experimental results have been conducted on heterogeneous high-performance computing platforms for a wide range of models and datasets, showing an improvement in the final accuracy with respect to current techniques, with a comparable performance.

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