
The nature and restricted range of Dupal-type Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of Cretaceous kimberlites, tuffaceous diatremes of kamafugitic affinity and carbonatite complexes which intrude the southwestern São Francisco craton margin in Brazil, indicate that these magmas either interacted extensively with, or were derived from, a light rare earth element (LREE) enriched homogeneous lithospheric mantle source isotopically similar to the “enriched mantle I” (EMI) component. The shallow-derived alkalic rocks contain a greater proportion of this EMI-like component, whereas the lower time-averaged Rb Sr , Nd Sm and Pb U ratios of the kimberlites compared to the other rock types suggest mixing of the EMI-like mantle material with variable amounts of mantle with a high 238 U 204 Pb (HIMU-like) component. Systematic variations in rock types and geochemistry on a regional scale are believed to be indicative of vertical geochemical heterogeneities which are translated into lateral heterogeneities by different depths of melting. It is proposed that HIMU- and EMI-like signatures in particular, are concentrated in laterally extensive but vertically distinctive portions of the mantle beneath the São Francisco craton. The EMI-type signatures appear to be restricted to shallow-derived volcanism, whereas the HIMU-type signatures may originate from a source that started melting deeper in the mantle. The Nd signatures of the EMI-type volcanics follow the evolution path defined by the NeoProterozoic crustal sequences which overlie and flank the craton margin. This suggests that the source of the EMI-type mantle signatures might be related to the tectono-thermal processes which led to the formation and evolution of such crustal sequences. The isotopic similarity of the sources of the studied rocks and of the high-Ti basalts of the northern Paraná basin to those of some Ocean Island Basalts with Dupal signatures in the South Atlantic (viz. in Walvis Ridge) is ascribed to processes by which continental lithosphere became firstly delaminated, and then contaminated a zone of South Atlantic asthenosphere from which hotspot islands have been erupting.

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