
Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown impressive performance for image recognition when trained over large scale datasets such as ImageNet. CNNs can extract hierarchical features layer by layer starting from raw pixel values, and representations from the highest layers can be efficiently adapted to other visual recognition tasks. In this paper, we propose heterogeneous deep convolutional neural networks (HCNNs) to learn features from different CNN models. Features obtained from heterogeneous CNNs have different characteristics since each network has a different architecture with different depth and the design of receptive fields. HCNNs use a combination network (i.e. another multi-layer neural network) to learn higher level features combining those obtained from heterogeneous base neural networks. The combination network is also trained and thus can better integrate features obtained from heterogeneous base networks. To better understand the combination mechanism, we backpropagate the optimal output and evaluate how the network selects features from each model. The results show that the combination network can automatically leverage the different descriptive abilities of the original models, achieving comparable performance on many challenging benchmarks.

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