
Adrenocortical tumors in children are rare but inportant causes of virilization and/or Cushing's syndrome. Other symptoms, including feminization and hyperaldosteronism, are less frequent. We present steroid urine profiles in 8 girls with adrenocortical tumors. Assessment of the urinary steroid pattern reveals its heterogeneity and makes it possible to: 1)follow the patients after surgery in terms of possible recurrence of the tumor, 2)exclude CAH as a cause of virilization (cases 6, 7, 8), 3)confirm the diagnosis of adrenal tumor in patients with only marginally elevated 17-KS but elevated 11β-OHAN (cases 6 & T), 4)detect patients with adrenal tumor with unusual steroid patterns (case 8). Steroid profiling in urine by capillary gas chromatography has an advantage over the traditional assays of 17-KS, 17-OHCS or serum levels of DHA, DHAS, testosterone, cortisol, 17OH-progesterone for the diagnosis and management of adrenal tumors.

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