
We report on spiral wear patterns produced at constant angular velocity by hot tip atomic force microscopy (HT-AFM) on surfaces of two common amorphous polymers: polystyrene (PS) and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Topography of these patterns is obtained with regular AFM cantilevers. Topography cross-sections taken from a center of each spiral at a given azimuthal angle Θ relate changes of surface corrugation hcorr with tangential velocity v of a thermal cantilever. Polymer wear is characterized by a power law hcorr(v) = α(v/vmax)−β, which yields a pre-factor α and an exponent β. Below the glass transition temperature Tg, α is polymer specific and β varies weakly between similar conditions and samples. Variations of β are hypothesized to reflect polymer relaxation processes, which are expected to vary only weakly between amorphous polymers. At and above Tg, α approaches initial thermal tip indentation depth within a polymer, β plummets, and a power law relation of hcorr with v diverges. These results are explained by heterogeneous wear around Tg due to a local nature of glass transition. At all studied temperatures, additional wear heterogeneities are found as due to position on the polymer and Θ. Variations of α and β with position on the polymer are found to be only marginally larger then uncertainties of the thermal tip–polymer interface temperature. Variations of α and β with Θ are found to be largely influenced by buckling of thermal cantilevers traveling in a spiral pattern.

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