
Old World species of the genus Glenanthe are treated comprehensively with an emphasis on the unusually diverse morphological heterogeneity discovered in structures of the male terminalia. As perspective for this treatment, the tribe Lipochaetini, in which Glenanthe is placed, is characterized and discussed, and an annotated key to the four included genera is provided to facilitate their identification. Glenanthe is demonstrated to be a monophyletic lineage within Lipochaetini. Seven Old World species of Glenanthe are now known, including two new Afrotropical species as follows (type locality in parenthesis): G. namibia n. sp. (Namibia. Mukwe: Divuju: Okavango River [18°04’04”S, 21°28’51”E] and G. danielssoni n. sp. (Republic of South Africa. Cape Province: De Hoop Nature Reserve [34°27’S, 28°25’E]. The identity of G. fuscinervis Becker, revised status (raised from synonymy with G. ripicola (Haliday)), is clarified, and found to be conspecific with Hydrina ochracea Oldenberg, which is recognized as a junior synonym. Papp’s synonymy of Glenanthe fasciventris Becker with Hydrellia (Glenanthe) ripicola Haliday is confirmed, and herein we relegate G. iranica Canzoneri & Rampini also as junior synonym of G. ripicola. The remarkable diverse structures of the male terminalia of all included species are described and illustrated and distribution maps are also provided.

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