
Given their importance to health, members of the family Reoviridae are the basis of most structural and functional studies and provide much of our knowledge of dsRNA viruses. Analysis of bacterial, protozoal, and fungal dsRNA viruses has improved our understanding of their structure, function, and evolution, as well. Here, we studied a dsRNA virus that infects the fungus Rosellinia necatrix, an ascomycete that is pathogenic to a wide range of plants. Using three-dimensional cryo-electron microscopy and analytical ultracentrifugation analysis, we determined the structure and stoichiometry of Rosellinia necatrix quadrivirus 1 (RnQV1). The RnQV1 capsid is a T=1 capsid with 60 heterodimers as the asymmetric units. The large amount of genetic information used by RnQV1 to construct a simple T=1 capsid is probably related to the numerous virus-host and virus-virus interactions that it must face in its life cycle, which lacks an extracellular phase.

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