
Karyotypic differences were sought among species of Boykinia, Heuchera, Mitella, Sullivantia, Tiarella, and Tolmiea utilizing a modification of the Hy‐banding technique. Prominent centromeric and some telomeric heterochromatin banding was observed. Boykinia aconitifolia and species of Sullivantia possess an identical banded karyotype, while four species of Heuchera, Mitella diphylla, Tiarella cordifolia, and Tolmiea menziesii (the latter at the tetraploid level) are characterized by a second, slightly different banded karyotype. In Sullivantia, Giemsa C‐banding stains the same chromosomal regions revealed by Hy‐banding. Larger amounts of heterochromatin are present in chromosomes of species of Heuchera, Mitella, Tiarella, and Tolmiea than in chromosomes of Sullivantia species and Boykinia aconitifolia. These karyological observations confirm generic relationships and demonstrate the systematic applicability of chromosome banding techniques to plants with very small chromosomes.

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