
SUMMARY The intention of the author is to demonstrate that the New Being is a central category in the Systematic Theology of Paul Tillich. So central indeed that it enables us to characterize this Systematic Theology as a theology of the New Being. First we consider how the nature of theology is defined by the category of the New Being, because according to Tillich the human situation is a quest for the New Being and the eternal message is the answer of the New Being. Further we try to explain how in every part of the system—Reason and Revelation; Being and God; Existence and the Christ; Life and the Spirit; History and the Kingdom of God—the human situation is a question for the conquest of finitude, estrangement and ambiguity by conquering the gap between essence and existence, and how the answer is given in the manifestation of essential being within and under the conditions of existence. This undistorted manifestation of essential being is the New Being. A theology that understands the human situation...

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