
AT a recent lecture given in London by Prof. H. A. Lorentz, Sir William Bragg made the happy remark that Holland, per square mile of its land- and water !-produced more eminent physicists than any other country. Amusing, and true. The appearance of the volume with the above title is another reminder of how true it is. Surely it is almost, if not quite, without precedent that it should fall to the lot of the same scientific investigator to have his work commemorated twice during his lifetime. Yet this is what has happened here. In 1904 there appeared a book, produced by his colleagues, to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the bestowal of the title of doctor on Heike Kamerlingh Onnes. The name of that book is identical with that of the present one, except for the dates-1882 to 1904; and in its introduction, if a free translation from the Dutch may be permitted, its purpose is described as “a review of what by him-through his inspiration, under his direction, by means of the apparatus he has assembled, and from his learning-has been added to the advancement of science.”

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