
The following report of a case of herpes zoster of the right twelfth thoracic nerve is of interest because of the rarity of paralysis following herpes of the trunk. REPORT OF A CASE History. —D., aged 60, entered the Wisconsin General Hospital on April 11, 1926, complaining of pain in the right side of the abdomen. He gave a history of having had shingles in February. Three weeks after the onset and just after the condition healed, he began to have pain below the ribs on the right side. The pain was described as a numb feeling when the patient was resting quietly, but intense on movement. The remainder of the history failed to give additional facts related to his chief complaint, with the exception of constipation since the onset of herpes, and the loss of 20 pounds (9 Kg.) in weight since February. Physical Examination. —Examination revealed an obese

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