
OZET Bu calisma, toplumumuzda cok sik rastlanan Herpes Simplex Virus'e (HSV) karsi antikorun saptanmasi ve antikoru saptanan hastalarda acyclovirin oral ve topikal kullanilmasi ile meydana gelen sonuclarin arastirilmasi amaciyla gerceklestirilmistir. Bu calismaya katilan 150 hastadan 85'inde HSV'e karsi antikor saptanmis ve bu hastalarin lez-yonlarinin sayisinda azalma, lezyonlarin kuculmesi, agri seviyesinde azalma, cikma surelerinin kisalmasi ile ilgili anlamli sonuclar elde edilmistir. Hastalarimiz 24 ay kontrol altinda tutulmuslardir. Anahtar sozcukler: Herpes simplex virus, Acyclovir. ABSTRACT In this study of ours, attempts were made to detect antibodies against Herpes simplex virus (HSV) most frequently encountered in our society and to investigate the result obtained by oral and topical administration of acyclovir in patient in whom antibody was detected. Our of 150 patient included in this study, 85 were detected to have antibody against HSV and significant result were obtained concerning the reduction in the lesions of these patients, in the diminution of the size of the lesion, in the reduction oj pain levels and in the derease in their time of dischange. All of these patients were held under control for 24 months. Key words: Herpes simplex virus, Acyclovir.

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