
In New England dendritic keratitis appears to be the most frequent corneal infection recognizable on an etiologic or morphologic basis. During the past forty-two months 221 patients with this disease have been observed and treated personally by me. These patients comprise the majority of all those with corneal infection seen during this period in the outpatient department of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. The frequency of dendritic keratitis in comparison with that of other well recognized conditions of the cornea is shown in table 1. Table1.— Incidence of Various Types of Keratitis During Forty-Two Months Total number of new patients in the outpatient department. 41,733 Dendritic keratitis . 221 Interstitial keratitis (syphilitic and nonsyphilitic). 184 Serpent ulcer . 97 Sclerokeratitis. 80 Phlyctenular keratitis . 52 Gonorrheal ulcer (all ages). 27 Disciform keratitis . 18 Trophic or senile marginal ulcers and those attributable to rosacea have been omitted from consideration, since their classification

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