
Interpolating refinable function vectors with compact support are of interest in applications such as sampling theory, numerical algorithm, and signal processing. Han et al. (J. Comput. Appl. Math. 227:254–270, 2009), constructed a class of compactly supported refinable function vectors with (d,r)-interpolating property. A continuous d-refinable function vector ϕ=(ϕ1,…,ϕr)T is (d,r)-interpolating if $$\phi_{\ell}\biggl(\frac{m}{r}+k\biggr)=\delta_{k}\delta_{\ell-1-m},\quad \forall k\in\mathbb{Z},\ m=0,1,\ldots,r-1,\ \ell=1,\ldots,r.$$ In this paper, based on the (d,r)-interpolating refinable function vector ϕ∈(C1(ℝ))r, we shall construct r functions ϕr+1,…,ϕ2r such that the new d-refinable function vector ϕ♮=(ϕT,ϕr+1,…,ϕ2r)T belongs to (C1(ℝ))2r and has the Hermite-like interpolating property: Open image in new window Then any function f∈C1(ℝ) can be interpolated and approximated by Open image in new window That is, \(\widetilde{f}^{(\kappa)}(k+\frac{m}{r})=f^{(\kappa)}(k+\frac{m}{r})\), ∀κ∈{0,1}, ∀k∈ℤ, and m=0,1,…,r−1. When ϕ has symmetry, it is proved that so does ϕ♮ by appropriately selecting some parameters. Moreover, we address the approximation order of ϕ♮. A class of Hermite-like interpolating refinable function vectors with symmetry are constructed from ϕ such that they have higher approximation order than it. Several examples of Hermite-like interpolating refinable function vectors are given to illustrate our results. The truncated error estimate of the interpolating series above is given in Sect. 3. A numerical example of recovering signal is given in Sect. 5 to check the efficiency of the interpolating formula above.

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