
The Qur'an with the basic assumption as the idea of ​​God that is eternal, universal, and trans-historical, when it has to be communicated to humans who live historically, then the basic content of the Qur'an must of course adapt to the character of the Arabic language and culture that was a historical reality at the time. The research departs from the many developments of methods and approaches that are so diverse in the interpretation of the Qur'an, so that it often causes debate among commentators. This study is basically an attempt to find out how maqa>shid al-Shari>'ah hermeneutics is a method in the interpretation of the Qur'an and how to apply maqa>shid al-Shari>'ah in the interpretation of the Qur'an. . This study aims to answer these two problems. The nature of this research is qualitative and uses the hermeneutical-analytic method, namely by analyzing the data in the hermeneutic circle and then drawing various conclusions. The data obtained will be analyzed in accordance with scientific theories with the provisions in the analysis guidelines and in accordance with the rules of writing scientific papers. The results show that the maqa>shid al-Shari>'ah hermeneutic method in interpretation cannot ignore three important horizons in hermeneutics, namely text, author, and reader. So the resulting form of interpretation will not only reveal the meaning of the text but will emphasize maqa>shid. While in the application, namely with ta'li>li and istisla>hi patterns. The pattern is considered by the qiya>s and maslaha>h mursala>h methods in ushu>l fiqh.


  • The Qur'an with the basic assumption as the idea of God that is eternal, universal, and transhistorical, when it has to be communicated to humans who live historically, the basic content of the Qur'an must adapt to the character of the Arabic language and culture that was a historical reality at the time

  • This study aims to answer these two problems

  • The results show that the maqa>shid al-Shari>'ah hermeneutic method in interpretation cannot ignore three important horizons in hermeneutics, namely text, author, and reader

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Original Article of Research Result

Hermeneutika Al-Qur’an Al-Syatibi: metode tafsir al-Qur’an dengan maqashid al-syari’ah?. Al-Sya>tibi>, berpendapat bahwa proses ijtihad itu tidak hanya berfokus pada teks dalil, tetapi juga pada konteks peristiwa atau perbuatan hukum dan pada sisi akibat (al-ma>’a>l) sebagai upaya untuk mengetahui sisi maslaha>t dan mafsada>t yang ditimbulkannya.[12] Menurut konsep ini syari’at (Qur’an dan Hadits) memiliki tujuan universal yakni membawa manusia kepada kemaslahatan dalam hidup di dunia maupun pada kehidupan selanjutnya. Skripsi ini akan membahas bagaimana hermeneutika al-Sya>tibi (maqa>sid al-Syari>’ah) sebagai metode dalam menafsirkan alQur’an, sehingga tafsir maqa>sidi ini diharapakan mampu menjadi sebuah tafsir alternatif dalam memberi solusi-solusi atas problematika kontemporer saat ini. Makna tekstual, bagi al-Sya>tibi>, tidak sekedar bertumpu pada permukaan sebuah ungkapan atau teks saja melainkan juga memperhatikan aspek psikologi teks (inner text) melalui pertimbangan terhadap berbagai konteks ungkapan atau teks, baik pada tingkat diksi (al-lafz) maupun kalimat utuh (al-kala>m). Pemahaman tentang konteks menjadi suatu keharusan bagi siapapun yang hendak memahami al-Qur’an guna menghindari kesalahan dalam menemukan serta menentukan pesan yang terkandung dalam ayat.[26]

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