
V okviru raziskovalnega projekta Triglavski narodni park (TNP). Dediščine, akterji – strategije, vprašanja in rešitve je avtor opravil raziskavo o tem, kako se dediščina parka kaže, ustvarja in predstavlja različnim deležnikom TNP oziroma kako jo ti sprejemajo v specifični govorici muzejev in muzejskih zbirk, ki delujejo v TNP in na njegovem obrobju. V članku podrobneje analizira nekatere najznačilnejše in/ali najzanimivejše interpretacije dediščine v publikacijah, na spletnih straneh in v nekaterih muzejih in muzejskih zbirkah v parku. *** The author conducted a study within the framework of the Triglav National Park (TNP): Heritages, Acteurs – Strategies, Questions, and Solutions project on how the park’s heritage manifests itself, how it is constructed and displayed to various stakeholders of the TNP, and how they perceive it through the specific language of museums and museum collections, operating within the framework of the TNP or on its margins. In this paper, detailed analysis is devoted to some of the most typical and/or most interesting interpretations of heritage in publications, on websites and in some of the museums or museum collections within the Park.

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