
The importance of natural stones in architecture and cultural decoding is being acknowledged by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). Through its global designation ‘IUGS-Heritage Stone', a natural stone that has been extensively used by humanity for the proliferation of cultures and traditions in the past is based on certain criteria, giving visibility to these significant natural stones. The UNESCO-IGCP Project has been instrumental in funding our projects on Heritage stones for the past ten years. The outcome is amazing, with 32 IUGS designated Heritage Stones and 18 more in pipeline awaiting designation. The Heritage stones widely utilized in monuments with significant cultural inference are being designated through a proper procedure designed by the International Commission on Geoheritage of the International Union of Geological Sciences. The need of the hour is to take along geologists, archaeologists, architects, historians, policymakers, and the masses to preserve the stones and monuments that are custodians of our cultural evolution. This multidisciplinary approach guarantees a comprehensive comprehension of their importance. In summary, the rich and multidisciplinary field of studying stones in stone-built monuments, their geological characteristics, and their effects on culture and architecture aids in our appreciation of the legacy of many civilizations and offers insights into innovative architecture and sustainable resource management (one of the sustainable development goals of UNESCO). Promoting stone science research is essential to safeguarding these priceless historical and cultural artefacts for future generations.

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