
 This paper presents the results obtained in an investigation of the role of heritage in current education regulations as a vehicle for the formation of citizens. The analysis was conducted on the Spanish state education regulations and their implementation in the Autonomous Region of Andalusia corresponding to the stages of pre-primary and primary education. A qualitative, descriptive-interpretative method was used. It was based on document analyses. To this end, a system of categories was prepared, organized into a subcategories, variables, and descriptors. From the results, there stands out the need to continue working on incorporating heritage into the formation of global citizens. For this, it is essential to build an integrated curriculum structured on the basis of "relevant socio-environmental problems". Keywords: curriculum studies; global citizenship education; heritage typology; pre-primary education; primary education. --- U ovom se radu prikazuju rezultati istraživanja o ulozi kulturne baštine u obrazovanju građana u sklopu aktualnoga obrazovnog zakonodavstva. Provedena je analiza državnih obrazovnih propisa u Španjolskoj i njihove provedbe u Autonomnoj zajednici Andaluziji, u predprimarnom i primarnom obrazovanju. Korištena je kvalitativna, deskriptivno-interpretativna metoda, a istraživanje je temeljeno na analizi dokumenata. U skladu s tim, pripremljen je niz kategorija podijeljenih u podkategorije, varijable i deskriptore. U rezultatima se ističe potreba nastavka rada na uključivanju kulturne baštine u globalno građansko obrazovanje, za što je neophodno izraditi integrirani kurikul koji se temelji na „relevantnim socio-ekološkim problemima“. Ključne riječi: globalno građansko obrazovanje; istraživanje kurikula; predprimarno obrazovanje; primarno obrazovanje; tipologija baštine.

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